The Elders, Leadership, and Staff at DOVE Westgate Church are comprised
of men and women who love, care for, and are invested in the lives and growth
in Christ of each person, young and older, within our congregation.
If you have any questions feel free to email or call our
church office at or 717.721.3775.
Worship Ministry
Worship Ministry
Join us on Sundays at 9:30 AM :: Click Here to View Our LiveStream!

welcome to
kid's track!

At Westgate, we love kids and strive to offer a family-friendly and welcoming environment for all families who attend.
We offer a robust ministry program from infancy through fifth grade, and truly seek to inspire your kids to simply love Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him!
We'd love to have you join us on a Sunday morning! See below for more info on what you can expect and please reach out to our Kid's Track Director, Joy Smith, if you have any questions.
Our congregation gathers on Sundays at 9:30 AM, and from the start, we invite families to connect during corporate worship time. We love having our Westgate kids participate in worship with the rest of our church family!
After praise and worship, Kid's Track kids and volunteers are dismissed to their classrooms, which is also where you'll head after the service to pick up your children.
We have a special "Roundhouse" Service held in the Gym on 5th Sundays for kids Pre-K to 5th Grade. Younger ages proceed to their classes as normal on those Sundays.
Other child and family-friendly events, such as Family Day, Harvest Fest, Vacation Bible School, and our annual Kid's Christmas Program are offered throughout the year as well. We also support active Trail Life and American Heritage Girls troops.
Our desire is to not provide childcare on a Sunday morning, but to have our families engage in the life of our church as we journey in our walk with Jesus together!
Your child's safety is of the utmost importance to us and one of our top priorities at Westgate. All of our Kid's Track volunteers have current state-required background checks, at least two volunteers are in each classroom at all times, and we employ a check-in system for all children. A private room for nursing mother's is also available for use that includes a closed-circuit TV for viewing the service. We welcome any of your questions and concerns about your child’s safety.

Children are a BLESSING
from the Lord!
Psalms 127:3

Kid's Track Director
Volunteer to serve in Kid's Track!
Looking for a way to make a difference in the life of a child?

But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to Me. Don't stop them!
For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.
Matthew 19:14